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Brockenhurst C of E Primary School
& Pre-School

We Enjoy and Excel in the Presence of God


The PTA is a combination of an elected committee and members (parents with children attending the school and the school staff receive automatic membership). The main objectives of the PTA are to encourage cooperation between school and home concerning all aspects of school life, to raise funds for the school and to organise fun events in which our children take part.

Any fundraising generates capital investment for the School in terms of providing facilities and equipment, organising activities and contributing to projects, major and minor, for the benefit of all the children and the community in general.

We have an active PTA which organises a varied programme of social and fundraising events for the children and adults. These social events allow parents and staff to meet on an informal basis, enhancing the home-school liaison.

For more details about the PTA, meeting times or for queries about upcoming events, please contact them via their email:

The PTA has gone digital! All future consent forms for events such as the school disco will be available on this page.


Summer Disco