Fundamental British Values
Inspire a love of learning, within a nurturing Christian environment
We actively promote the Fundamental British Values (FBV) and will challenge pupils, staff or parents who express opinions that may be contrary to these.
We encourage learning through the process of exploring, ‘what it means to be British’ and by enabling our pupils to:
- Describe their own identities and the groups that they feel they belong to;
- Recognising different identities and experiences;
- Appreciating that identity consists of many factors;
- Recognising that each person’s identity is unique and can change; and
- Beginning to understand the idea of stereotypes.
We aim to develop a belief in freedom and equality, a respect for the law and for British institutions, tolerance, a belief in personal and social responsibility and a wish to resolve conflict through discussion and democratic procedures.
Our plans for learning, collective worship and other activities, encompass religious tolerance, taking a zero tolerance approach to bullying and violence and the pursuit of excellence in academic and non-academic subjects and pupil wellbeing.
As a school we aim to find enthusiasm for learning and for achievement that stays with the individual as they move on to new challenges and into adulthood.
Underpinning this ethos is a range of curriculum learning that include links to British Values. We celebrate British sports men and women, authors, actors, engineers, artists, designers and scientists and their achievements. Please view the long-term curriculum planning on our school website for more detailed information.