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Brockenhurst C of E Primary School
& Pre-School

We Enjoy and Excel in the Presence of God



Welcome from the Chair of Governors

On behalf of the Governors of Brockenhurst CE Primary School and Pre-School welcome to our information pages.

All our Governors give their time and energy on an entirely voluntary basis because we care about our school and pre-school, the children, staff and their place in our wider community.  On these pages you will find information about who we are, what we do and how we undertake our roles and responsibilities.

Our Governors come from a wide range of personal and professional backgrounds and use their experience and skills to work with the school leadership team, all staff, parents and carers and the children to shape the future strategy, agree policy and ensure accountability. We are ultimately responsible for making sure that the public money used to run our school and pre-school is used prudently, that all academic and welfare standards are maintained and that the School and Pre-School Improvement Plan is regularly reviewed and monitored.

We work together as a team and are united by our commitment to Brockenhurst CE Primary School and Pre-School and the responsibility we share for their long term success.

It is a privilege to be Chair of Governors at Brockenhurst CE Primary School and Pre-School, to work with Governors who are so committed to sharing their expertise and experience to guide the school and pre-school forward.

Thank you for visiting our section of the website. I hope you find it both interesting and informative.

Vicky Wales

Chair of Governors

You can contact me directly on