Sports Day
Sports Day
As you will have seen from the newletter last week we are still aimimng for Monday 3rd July on the school field weather permittng.
Children will be in school PE kit, but wearing a coloured T shirt that matches their house colour. All children are given a house colour in Year R that stays with them and they earn house points daily and termly rewards in these colours.
The morning of the day is team challenges/activities with all years groups mixed according to house colour.
Lunch wil be 12-1pm and parents are welcome to sign in at the school office and join their children on the field for a picnic lunch. Please remeber we are a nut free school and also have children with egg allergies.
The afternoon will be the formal element with parents sat on one side of the field watching the heats from 1-3pm.
There is always a parents race, so come prepared!
Please check the website on Sunday evening/Monday morning if the weather turns monsoon.
We hope you can join us and that the sun shines.