No Lego Club today
Reminder: Littlewood's Logistics Lego club has finished for this term so there will not be a session running after school today.
Reminder: Littlewood's Logistics Lego club has finished for this term so there will not be a session running after school today.
Your child/ren will be bringing home an Activity sheet today. Can you please return your completed Activity Sheet to your child’s teacher by Monday 3rd April. The Schools Energy Project is giving a prize for the school that collects the most completed Activity Sheets, so we would love you to help us win this!
Mr Littlewood will be running this afternoon's Year 6 Maths Booster session; it will finish at 4pm as usual.
What a great evening!
Bronya, Sarah and the PTA put on a superb event on Friday. Two murders and a whole host of clues really tested the groups. In fact nobody managed to name the correct murderer for both fatalities. For a new idea it took a huge amount of effort and to see fifty people dressed for school and rising to the challenge was excellent.
With the help of our unique inspector we made it through the evening and even got to share our new school songs!
Littlewood's Logistics Lego club will not be able to run today; apologies for the late notice to anyone that was not already aware. Back to normal next week.
Shrove Tuesday 28th February
Since returning to school we have been looking with the children at the 4 R's of resilience, reciprocity (relationships), resourcefulness, reflectiveness.
We have looked at examples of how they apply to daily life and ways in which they will help us reach our targets. Growth mindset - Yes I Can!
Please discuss with your children how they can achieve whatever they set their minds to.
Here are some recordings of the children that I managed to do today. Silent Night has come out particularly well. Hope you all have a lovely Christmas and New Year. Mr Thomas.
Jesus is born today...
What an amazing set of stars we have! The nativity this year has been completely different. The audience are part of the performance and Mr Thomas acoustic support really adds a different dimension.
Children and teachers should be rightfully proud. I have received so many positive comments and hope you can join us tomorrow evening for the finale.
What a fun morning. Mrs Hudson and myself had a fabulous time this morning watching the children make and decorate cupcakes.
Thanks to school council it was a completely different activity for the House point treat and the older children really looked after the younger children.
Paul and Mary would have been proud!
Just a reminder that there are still some raffle tickets left and tickets for breakfast with Father Christmas.
The PTA will be serving refreshments at the Nativity tomorrow night from 5:30pm and after Carols around the tree on Friday afternoon.
Please do support these marvellous ladies.
PTA christmas trees will be here tomorrow - 08.12.16
Apologies for the delay!
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