Boccia Club visitor
Boccia Club had a visit from Gloria Hunniford and the BBC on Tuesday afternoon this week. The children were filmed playing Boccia and a fun afternoon was had by all.
Boccia Club had a visit from Gloria Hunniford and the BBC on Tuesday afternoon this week. The children were filmed playing Boccia and a fun afternoon was had by all.
Note from your coach: please check the condition of your Hockey equipment, if you see any chips or sharp edges on your Hockey stick either tape them up (electrical tape does a good job) or replace. Thank you.
Please note there will be a change to the lunchtime school menu on Thursday 18th January. The Red choice will be Fish Fingers and Chips and the Green Choice will remain as vegetable goujons.
Please note that KS1 & KS2 Hockey clubs will start next week (w/c 15th January). The final session for KS1 Hockey will be Thursday 15th March and the final session for KS2 Hockey will be Tuesday 20th March.
Unfortunately we have just been informed that as the Handball pitch is frozen, today's Yr 5 tournament has had to be cancelled. Please collect your child from school at the usual time. Thank you.
This afternoon's Nativity performance at St Saviours Church will start at 1.30pm as shown on the school calendar and in the newsletter. We look forward to seeing you there.
Club booking for the Spring Term is now open. Please complete the online form under "Sport & Extra Curricular" to book places. Payment of £10 for the term is due by Friday to secure the place. Thank you.
Your child will today be bringing home the school Christmas lunch menu. This will be served on Tuesday 19th December at the usual school lunch cost of £2.15. If your child would like a hot meal on this day you will need to pre-order their lunch as the kitchen is required to pre-order the food. Please indicate their choice of red or green on the menu (see attached), along with their choice of dessert and return the form to the school office by: Monday 4th December. Thank you.
Please note, further to Yr R's blog last week, bikes and scooters are only needed for Year R children today. Apologies for any confusion.
Due to the incoming bad weather this afternoon, KS2 Hockey club has been cancelled for safety reasons. Thank you for your understanding. Fingers crossed for dry weather next week!
For both KS1 and KS2 Hockey Clubs, please could your child bring the following equipment with them each week: a stick of the correct length (i.e. no higher than belly button), shin pads, mouth guard and clothes according to weather but definitely a jumper. Sticky gloves and a hat are also recommended in case it is chilly. It is also important that your child arrives in time so that they are ready to start the sessions at 8am (KS1) and 5.30pm (KS2). Thank you.
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