Music Festival 2018
All took part in the guitar classes.
All took part in the guitar classes.
You can now book your child's clubs for the Summer Term via the school website (under Parents Information). The new timetable for the Summer Term can also be viewed under "School Clubs Booking Form". Payment can be made at the school office by cash or cheque or via the schools online paymnet system from this afternoon.
Due to adverse weather, the school will be closed on Thursday 1st March and Friday 2nd March
Today's event has been cancelled.
Due to the weather conditions forecast on Thursday this week's KS1 Hockey club has been cancelled. Hopefully all will be back to normal next week.
World Book Day - Thursday 1st March - whole school
Just a quick reminder that due to a tournament there will be no KS2 Hockey training this week. Thank you.
There will be a cake sale at the end of the school day today. We still have books and toys from last week's sale so we will also have these on tables. Don't forget to bring some change and help support the PTA. Thank you.
Runners back early!
Please note, there will be no KS2 Hockey club on Tuesday 27th February due to a hockey tournament running during the afternoon.
This Thursday's Red option for lunch will be Roast Chicken and not Chicken & Sweetcorn Pie. This change will carry through to all Week 2 Thursday's until the change of menu after Easter.
This afternoon's re-scheduled netball match vs Pennington has been cancelled due to the weather, apologies.
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