Newsletter Issue 5
Please see the latest newsletter attached and a Christmas Tree order form from the PTA.
Please see the latest newsletter attached and a Christmas Tree order form from the PTA.
The deadline for shoe boxes has now been extended to Friday 7th November so you still have time to add to our total if you have not been able to bring one in yet. Thank you to those of you who have dropped off your Christmas shoe boxes at the office this week - we now have 52 to hand over to the Rotary Club for distribution to local carers and disadvantaged children. Thank you for your help and generosity.
A quick reminder that the school photographer will be with us tomorrow morning, Thursday 1st November. If you have pre-school children or children at another school and would like a group photo please come to the school office at 8am. If your children are already at our school they will have their sibling group photo during the normal school morning and you do not need to request this.
Reminder: The deadline for Christmas shoe boxes for the New Forest Rotary Honeypot appeal is this Friday, 2nd November. We have currently collected 6 boxes. Please drop your Christmas shoe boxes into the school office and help us achieve an even better total than last year’s 51. Please see a copy of the leaflet attached for details of what to include in your shoe box. Thank you.
A quick reminder for all those who attended Board Games club last half-term: this club has now finished and will not run this half of the Autumn term. Please collect your child at normal pick up time. If there is another club your child would like to attend please contact the school office. Thank you.
Please see our latest newsletter attached, along with a PTA flyer for the Silent Pumpkin Auction. Have a lovely half-term holiday.
Miss Harper is starting a School Magazine club for Y2-4 after half-term. The first edition of the magazine will be sold by the children at 3.15pm on Wednesday 19th December. If your child would like to join this club at a cost of £7.50 for the half-term, please sign up via the school website in the usual way. Please note, the first session will be Wednesday 7th November and not Wednesday 31st October.
Please see attached the latest school newsletter and information from the PTA.
Boccia is an all inclusive ball game related to bowls and petanque. Our school Boccia club runs on a Wednesday after-school until 4.15pm and we have now opened it up to all year groups. If you would like your child to join please book them a place via our school website or contact the school office.
Due to minimal attendance at this mornings Macmillan Coffee fundraiser we have a large number of cakes which we will be selling at the school gate this afternoon. Please bring your purses and give generously to this very worthy cause. Last year we raised £107.50 which was fantastic, however we would like to raise even more this year. Thank you to those parents who donated cakes this morning - we have a gluten free option for those that would like it.
Please see our latest newsletter attached.
We are pleased to tell you that a KS2 Hockey club will be starting on Tuesday 9th October, 8am-8.30am at the MUGA. If you would like your child to attend please sign up via the school website in the usual way. The cost is £8 for the Autumn term (until Christmas); please pay either online or a the school office. Thank you.
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