Newsletter 12
Please see the latest newsletter attached.
Please see the latest newsletter attached.
Please see attached the latest school newsletter.
Please see the latest school newsletter and PTA newsletter attached.
Mrs Lindsey is now offering a KS2 “Scratch” Coding Club after-school on Wednesday afternoons. This will be lesson based so that children can learn to create their own programs. This club will start on Wednesday 30th January (3.15 - 4.15pm) and costs £10 for the remainder of the Spring Term. If you would like to register your child for a place please book via the school website in the usual way. Payment can be made via the school’s online payment system or alternatively at the school office by cash or cheque.
Reminder to Hockey Club participants: There are no KS1 or KS2 Hockey Clubs this week as your coach is not able to attend. Back to normal next week.
Attached is the latest school newsletter, along with the "Marvellous Mindful Me" booking form.
Please see attached out latest newsletter. Merry Christmas!
Attached is the Clubs timetable for the Spring Term - booking is now open via our website:
Please see our latest newsletter attached, along with PTA Disco Consent form and Tea Towels Order Form.
Please return your child's "Flu Immunisation Consent Form" to the school office by this Friday, 7th December so that the school nursing team are able to order the correct number of vaccines. Thank you.
Please see our latest newsletter attached.
Please note that the deadline for ordering school photos is Thursday 15th November. Thank you to all those who have already responded.
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Subscribe via RSS (Latest News)Our school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. We expect all staff, visitors and volunteers to share this commitment. If you have any concerns regarding the safeguarding of any of our pupils, please contact one of our Designated Safeguarding Leads: John Littlewood, Julie Edwards, Marie Macey-Dare and Vicky Wales To read our Child Protection and Safeguarding policies, please click the link below