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Brockenhurst C of E Primary School
& Pre-School

We Enjoy and Excel in the Presence of God

Year 6 Weekly Blog Post


Good afternoon,

Welcome to the Year 6 blog page! Our new class name is 'The Red Deer' class. We have had a great first week. The children have settled in brilliantly and are already settling in to the class routines.

In English, we have started our first unit studying ‘Dead Man’s Cove’ by Lauren St John. We will continue using this book as our stimulus next week.

In maths, we have been recapping place value, working on numbers up to ten million. So far, the children have been very focused and engaged in our lessons.

You should have received an email regarding a Swanage meeting next Friday 13th September. If you are unable to attend, all the information will be uploaded on here.

Your child should have brought home a card yesterday with various log in details. I will attach information to this post regarding the Sora App which they are able to access at home.

Our PE days are on a Thursday and Friday.

Our Forest School day is a Thursday (for half of the class at a time).

Our book change and library change day is a Wednesday.

Homework is set on a Monday, due in the following Monday.

Have a lovely weekend!

The Year 6 Team