Year 6 Weekly Blog
Good afternoon,
This week has been our school assessment week. We are really proud of the children in Y6 as they have all worked extremely hard and have been very resilient!
In PE this half-term, we have been playing netball and doing gymnastics, using the wall and floor apparatus in the hall. The children have been working hard on these different skills and some children have represented the school in the netball competitions this week, putting these PE skills into practice.
In Science, we have been planning and investigating today, and the children have had to hypothesise and consider their variables and invariables.
In Computing, the children have been planning and designing their own videos, and they have started to create these, thinking about camera angles, lighting and editing. We will be carrying on with this topic next week, but the children have really enjoyed this project so far.
As part of our Geography topic, the children have been beginning to learn about some 'unfair' trades that happen around the world, and this will lead on to learning about what 'fair trade' means.
IMPORTANT: Next week, we will be linking this learning in Geography to our DT topic, and we will be doing some baking, using fair trade ingredients. Please can we ask that you send your child in with a Tupperware box on Tuesday so that they can bring their items home.
We hope you all have a lovely weekend.
The Year 6 Team