Year 6 Weekly Blog Post
Good afternoon,
We have had another busy week in Year 6.
We have finished our fractions maths unit and will be moving on to some work on measure next week. In English, we finished our book study on the text 'Floodland' and have moved on to explore a book called 'Winter Magic'. This book is a collection of short stories from award winning authors like Emma Carroll and Lauren St John. We are going to be studying one of the stories in English called 'A Night at the Frost Fair' and one of the stories in Guided Reading called 'Into the Mountain'.
We have been starting our Christmas celebrations this week by practising our carol singing ready for our performances and decorating our classroom doors which is a tradition at this school. Check out the school Instagram to see a picture of our Pom Pom themed door.
We hope you all have a great weekend.
The Year 6 Team