Year 6 Weekly Blog Post
Hello everyone,
Year six have been working really hard again this week.
We started a new topic on fractions in maths, looking at equivalent fractions and simplifying fractions. We will continue our work on this next week, linking these to decimals and percentages.
In English, we have continued our work on the book 'Floodland'. The children wrote some brilliant information pages and also explored some of the story further on in the book. We will finish this unit next week before moving on to our Christmas text!
We have also been completing some termly assessments this week for Maths and English and the children have shown real resilience with these.
The children finished their 'Coastal Wonders' art topic and created some collages that represented the scenery we saw when we were in Swanage. Please see our new Art Gallery display, showing some of their work.
We hope you all enjoy your weekend.
The Year 6 Team