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Brockenhurst C of E Primary School
& Pre-School

We Enjoy and Excel in the Presence of God

Year 5 Blog

Week beginning 27.01.25

Dear parents & carers,

In spite of the wet week, Year 5 have continued to be very busy.

 In art this week, we completed our Shaun Tan inspired creatures with watercolour. By Monday, the children need to have decided which book they wish to respond to in clay for Tuesday’s lesson.

On Thursday, the whole school went to The Village Hall to see a pantomime- the children were eagerly looking forward to this all morning!

Mr. Thomas continues to deliver excellent music lessons to Year 5- we are so lucky to have him and the children respond so well to his expert tuition.

Converting fractions to the same denominator is still our focus in maths for some children. Those who can do this confidently are able to problem-solve by adding and subtracting fractions with different denominators successfully.

In RE we have focused on the cleansing ritual of Wudu and thought about how this shows that Muslims belong to the Islamic faith.

Today two will be coming home, which need to be signed and returned ASAP.

Have great weekend.

The Year 5 Team