Year 5 Blog
Week beginning 09.12.24
Dear parents and carers,
This week we have continued our maths unit on fractions, focussing on equivalent fractions for unit and non-unit fractions. We have spent time recapping prior learning and securing understanding of a concept that a number of children find quite tricky.
We have completed our reading unit based on The House With Chicken Legs, which the children have thoroughly enjoyed.
In RE we have continued to look at the question “Was Jesus the Messiah?” This week, Y5 have had to look at each of the 7 qualities the prophets foretold, and explain whether this matches what we know about Jesus.
The children are rehearsing songs for the KS2 Carols Around the Tree next Thursday. A reminder that children are allowed to wear Christmas Jumpers on Wednesday and Thursday of next week.
We rounded off the week with a D&T day. The children have been designing small frame structures for our Forest School area and today they made them. We were super impressed with their carpentry skills and resilience when making. The results are excellent!
Have a lovely weekend.
The Year 5 Team