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Brockenhurst C of E Primary School
& Pre-School

We Enjoy and Excel in the Presence of God

Year 5 Blog

Week beginning 03.09.24

Dear parents and carers,

We have been delighted to welcome your children into Year 5. We have had a very busy week and the children have settled well into the routines and expectations of our class.

Your child should have come home with their Reading Record book containing their login codes for Spelling Shed and Maths Shed, Times Tables Rock Stars and SORA (the school library service e-book platform- see explanation sheet below). This can also be accessed via a link on Google Classroom, which th children set up today.

Homework is set every Friday on Spelling shed and Maths Shed and revises what has been learnt in the week. The children are able to access Times Tables Rockstars at any time. We are assessing their Times Tables and will let you know which ones your child needs to secure.

The reading demands of the Year 5 and 6 curriculum are high and it is vital that your child reads quality books regularly for stamina and enjoyment. This will support what we do in class. We are currently assessing all children and as a result of this, their reading book band may change. We need their reading record books to be in school every day please.

To support our reading unit, we challenge your child to research an aspect of recycling and bring it in for our display. Last week, Mrs.Edwards was given a drink in a type of plastic cup that she had not seen before; that if not recycled, will decompose naturally without polluting the environment. As an experiment Y5 are going to put it in the school grounds alongside a single-use plastic cup to see what happens.

Forest School is on a Tuesday for Y5. The children will be divided into 2 groups and each will get half a term of Forest School. Your child will be told on Monday if they require outdoor clothes for this half term. Reminder that Forest School takes place whatever the weather!

PE: this takes place on Wednesday and Thursday for year 5. If your child cannot take part, you must inform us of this please.

Wherever possible we do the Daily mile. We are recording how many laps your children do in 10 minutes (they can walk or run) and will let them know what this equates to in distance each half term. As a class we were aiming to stride to Paris, but the children have decided that they want to get to Australia!

Please can you ensure that all clothing (especially jumpers, cardigans and coats) and water bottles  are clearly labelled so that they can re returned efficiently if lost.

Have a great weekend.

The Year 5 Team