Year 5 Blog
Week beginning 01.07.24
Dear parents and carers,
Please note:
- there will be no Forest School for Y5 on Tuesday 9th July.
- PE kit is required in school on Tuesday 8th July.
- The KS2 Dress Rehearsal is taking place on Wednesday 10th July. Your child must have their costume in school on that day please.
- We need each child to bring in 2 carrier bags please.
EDshed Spellings - there will be no more spelling homework set from Monday 8th July as we have now completed the Year 5 spelling programme of study.
This week in maths we started our unit on decimal numbers. The children were adding and subtracting decimals within 1, finding complements to 1 and adding and subtracting decimals across 1.
In English we have started our new text driver, The Tempest by William Shakespeare. The childre will be writing character critques.
Have a lovely weekend.
The Year 5 Team