Year 5 Blog
Week beginning 19.02.24
Dear parents and carers,
Welcome back, we hope you had a restful halfterm.
This week we started our new writing unit based on the true stroy of Henry 'Box' Brown who posted himself to freedom from slavery.
We also started our new reading unit, The Dragon of Krakow. The children have been practising the skills of retrieving and explaining.
In maths we are focusing on short and long multiplication. The children have realised that not knowing their times tables is a significant barrier for this unit of work.
In geograpghy, the children have created two bar charts comparing rainfall and temperature for our region and the Cambrian Mountains.
In science we have startd our new unit on forces. We are going to try to answer the question: 'Why do things move?'
In D&T we have been very lucky to have been chosen by The Royal Academy of Culinary Arts, Adopt a School Trust (in partnership with the Pig Hotel) to work with Year 5 on their Health and Nutrition unit of work. Yesterday we had our first session - 'Taste and Sensory' where the children used their 5 senses to experience the 5 main tastes using a sample of foods.
Have a lovely weekend.
The Year 5 Team