Year 5 Blog
Week beginning 04.07.22
Dear parents and carers,
We are so proud of the children's attitude this week with sports day and the production dress rehearsal. They showed great team work, resilience and a positive attitude throughout.
We had two visitors from Woodpeckers on Wednesday, who thoroughly enjoyed meeting the class. The children told them all about the New Forest beehive, they sang their show song and had a guided tour of the grounds before going on to Year 6.
Also this week, a group of Year 5 children represented our school at the Priestlands Maths challenge. They were impeccably behaved, enthusiastic and showed that 'teamwork makes the dream work!' Out of nine schools, Brock came FIRST! Brilliant effort and result.
Thank you for brining in the plastic bottles for art. We are now after small twigs, no more than 10cm long.
For the production on Monday, please can the children come to the Village Hall at 6pm in their costumes and with a named water bottle. It will be the same for Wednesday.
Enjoy the sunshine.
Best wishes,
The Year 5 team