Year 5 Blog
Week beginning 02.05.22
Dear parents and carers,
Although it has been a short week, the children have packed in plenty of learning.
In maths we worked on geometry. The children were investigating the properties of triangles and quadrilaterals and then calculating lengths and angles.
We started a new book in our guided reading lessons, The Nowhere Emporium, and the children have been predicting what might happen in the story based on the front cover and prologue. They are all excited about finding out more about this excellent story. They will also have the opportunity to meet the author, Ross Mackenzie at a virtual event later in the term.
We have been continuing our computing work and the children are showing excellent web design skills and are teaching us a thing or two about creating webpage content.
In writing we have been working on our SPaG skills in preparation for planning a persuasive letter.
In RE we have started our Islamic unit of Ritual.
Your children will know why we have chosen the image!
Have a lovely weekend,
The Year 5 team