Year 5 Blog

Week beginning 14.02.22
Dear parents and carers,
The children concluded their PE unit of dance by performing their routines in the Great Brock Dance Off. Year 5 were excellent, demonstrating beautifully some of the dance skills they have learnt this half term. We also really enjoyed watching the other year groups perform as well.
This week in music the children put on a fantastic whole class performance of a piece of music they have been learning together. Some children created improvised solos, and one child performed an Ed Sheran guitar solo with the rest of the class singing the words to the song. It was breathtaking! What a musically talented class.
In English, they wrote some excellent poems about Endurance, focusing on quality vocabulary choices.
We completed our unit of work in science on Living things and their habitats, but we will continue to observe lifecycle changes in one area of the school sensory garden.
Have a safe and relaxing half term.
The Year 5 team.