Year 5 Blog
Week beginning 11.10.21
Dear parents and carers,
It's hard to believe there is only one week left of this half-term. The children have enjoyed using the wet-on-wet watercolour technique in the style of Paul Cezanne in art. In science, they have spent the afternoon investigating different materials to see if they are electrical conductors or insulators. For reading lessons, the class have risen to the challenge of using text clues to make sense of the book, The War of the Worlds.
This week the children created Christmas artwork which can be printed to make Christmas cards or wrapping paper etc. The artwork will be coming home next week with instructions on how to order them. Please ensure that the artwork in sent back into school by the date written on the instruction sheet.
A reminder that it is our school uniform policy for children to wear school shoes each day not trainers. Thank you for your co-operation with this.
Enjoy another fine weekend.
The Year 5 Team