Y5 End of week - 22.05.20
End of week 5 Summer 1
Congratulations on completing another half term of home learning!
Your resilience and determination are still astounding us and we hope you know how very proud we are of you during these very different times.
No work will be set as it is half term next week. Monday June 1st is an INSET day, so you have the day off then too!
As you may be aware, our school will be allowing some children from R/Y1/Y6 back after half term. Work for you will continue to be set via the blog and nothing will change from that point of view. Mrs Edwards and I will be working with the key worker children, on our usual days, so if you find we haven’t replied to a message straight away, please understand we are in the actual classroom and will reply when it is more convenient. Please do keep doing what you are doing though, and as always we are still here to support and help you in any way we can!
Anyway, have a lovely half term. Perhaps you will be able to get out a little and see some different things. Let us know after half term if you have done anything that you haven’t done in a while and share some happy memories!
Take care,
Miss Lever and Mrs Edwards