Y5 - End of week 3.4.20

Well done everybody!
We’ve made it to the Easter break… No work will be set during this 2 week period. However, Mathletics and Spelling Shed have activities that will need completing if you have not already done so.
We hope that you are all able to take a moment or two of relaxation to enjoy time together. The feedback from many of you has been really encouraging and it has been great to see so many of you being supportive of one another in Google classroom. We are up to 21 now and we would really love to have the rest of you come along and say hi and let us know how you are doing.
Mrs Edwards and I will be setting new learning activities for you from Monday 20th April and supporting you all we can in your home learning. Google classroom will be closed during this time too. But if you are new to it, you are still able to add yourselves during the break for when it goes live again on Monday 20th April. Remember, please email me at emma.lever@brockenhurstpri.co.uk if you are having trouble accessing it or if you need more information.
Again, we are really proud of the resilience and the determination you are showing with your learning and the way you have adapted to learning at home for the time being. Have a good break, relax, find new ways to have fun with your family and around home and we will ‘see’ you all soon.
Take care.
Miss Lever & Mrs Edwards