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Brockenhurst C of E Primary School
& Pre-School

We Enjoy and Excel in the Presence of God

Y5 Science home learning - 30.3.20

LO: To understand how plants reproduce.

This week, I would like you to deepen your understanding of plant reproduction.  I have included some clips and interactive resources that aim to help guide you through what and how pollination works - (see attachment below).

1) Begin by watching the pollination video from last week's attachment - I've added it below again.

2) Read through the powerpoint attachment (which I am having trouble attaching! May be on a separate post)  - make a mind-map as you read through, noting new and scientific vocabulary.  Time to get those gel pens out!

3) Complete the pollination activity sheet (see attachments).  If you are not able to print it, or want to save paper, then just create your own table, using the information you are given to complete it correctly.  I will post an answer sheet next Monday for you to check.

4) Extra challenge: Can you describe the stages of pollination clearly?  Use key vocabulary and the sheet attached as a guide, create your own pollination storyboard.  Inspire others' with it in Google classroom, or amaze members of your household with your scientific language and knowledge.

4) Finally, if you find yourself at a loose end, I have attached a blossom and catkin identification sheet for you to take on a walk. - see how many different types you can find.  Think about how pollination occurs.


 Please take any photos where possible and share either on Google classroom if you're  able to or you can email me at