Y5 - 13.12.2019

Dear parents,
There will no new spellings allocated on Spelling Shed until the new year- please continue to practise the ones you have done so far in Year 5.
Please send in an empty washed out milk carton (any size) by Monday 16th if possible.
The Art Activity morning was a great success yesterday, with children visiting other classrooms. Y5 was a biodegradable glitter fest- lots of fun had by all.
You should have received a ‘Reach Out Arts’ letter asking for permission to use photos on their website from the music festival we had with the seniors last week. Could you please notify me if you are not giving permission to have the photographs used. If you need another copy of the letter, please ask at the office. Additionally, please look out for the Schools section in the Lymington Times next week as there will be an article, some children’s comments and a couple of photographs of the afternoon. We are hoping to visit the seniors at The Friday Club on Friday 10th January to say Happy New Year and share the photos with them. If you would like to walk with us, we will be setting off at about 10.50 from school and returning at 11.45am.
Many thanks,
Have a lovely weekend.
Y5 team.