Year 4
Year 4 - 06.12.24
We have had a great week. One of our highlights was tasting different pizza toppings in Design and Technology. The children really enjoyed trying some familiar and some new foods! A number of children also discovered that they liked some new foods too! We have enjoyed a sneak peak of KS1’s nativity today as we joined them for their dress rehearsal. If you are attending any of the performances next week, then you are in for a treat!
In English, we have written a description of Lila’s journey. In particular, we have focused on her entry into the cave to meet the Fire Fiend. I was really impressed with how focused the class were as they fully applied themselves to their writing. They thought very carefully about language choice, as well as how to convey Lila’s struggles and determination.
In maths, we have moved onto multiplication and division. We have started with the 6 times table and looked at representing this through pictures, arrays and fact families. We will be continuing with multiplication and division next week.
We hope you all have a lovely weekend.