Year 4
Year 4 - 08.03.2024
What a great week! The highlight was most definitely World Book Day! The celebrations started on Monday when we were joined by local author, Illustrator and cartoonist, Simon Chadwick. We were treated to a story, drawing session and were able to ask lots of interesting questions. When Thursday arrived, we were blown away by the childrens’ outfits! I was so impressed by Year 4’s creativity and the thought and hard work that went into their costumes. Great work everyone! Year 4 joined me for a whole school worship and stood up to tell the rest of the school about their outfits and their favourite books. We then spent some time in the afternoon reading to children from year 1, which was a lovely experience for us all. All children have come home with their £1 voucher, which can be exchanged in participating stores for one of the World Book Day books.
In other news, we have been exploring our new writing text, Flood. This is a wordless picture book, so we have brought the story to life through drama and inferred how the characters would be feeling at different points in the text. We have also explored how the colours have been used in the illustrations and how they support creating meaning for the reader.
In maths, we have been using our knowledge of multiplication and division facts to work out three digit division fluently. We then moved onto selecting efficient methods for multiplication and solving correspondence problems. Once multiplication facts are secure, it does have a huge impact on the children in becoming confident, fluent and efficient in many areas of maths. Please do continue to work on this key skill at home.
We hope you all enjoy the weekend.