Year 4
Year 4 - 22.09.2023
Happy Friday Year 4! We have had a busy week over here. In PE we have been learning all about cricket. We have been looking at individual aspects like catching, bowling and fielding. This week the children enjoyed bringing all of this together in a group game. Year 4 are proving to be resilient, supportive sportspeople! Well done!
In English, we have been using our class text to explore expanded noun phrases and prepositions. We have had a go at coming up with our own and then applied our learning to write a descriptive paragraph about a scene from the text. Our final outcome will involve us writing our own narratives about the characters in the book. It was lovely to see how enthusiastic the class are about writing their own stories.
In maths, we have been looking at number lines. We have used a range of number lines that start and end at different points. We have had to be resilient when working out what the number line is counting in. We have worked on identifying the midpoint, having a go and tying again when it does not fit the number line. They have also used their estimation skills to estimate missing number, taking into account the midpoint.
We hope you all have a great weekend.