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Brockenhurst C of E Primary School
& Pre-School

We Enjoy and Excel in the Presence of God

Year 4

Year 4 - 10.02.2023

Happy half term!

It was fantastic to see so many of you at Parents’ Evening this week and share your children’s successes. We are very proud of all they are achieving.

We have had a lovely week in year 4. We have come to the end of our writing unit which has been focussed around a book called, ‘We Travel So Far’. We have created our own book about the migration journeys of many wonderful animals and published these on the computers. The class then became the illustrators and have beautifully illustrated their own pages. Their work is fantastic and has been used for our display in the corridor. Well done year 4 – we are so proud of you!

In maths, we have been focussing on time. We have recapped telling the time to the nearest 5 minutes and then moved onto converting between seconds, hours and minutes and days, weeks, months and years. The children have worked very hard to recall and apply all they know about time so far, and shared some excellent reasoning when tackling some true or false problem solving challenges today.

In PE, we have worked brilliantly in teams to create our own house dances. The children have incorporated a range of shapes, jumps, turns and balances from this term’s learning. The rehearsals are going well and I look forward to the children performing their routines after half term!

***Forest School***

Group 1 have one session of Forest School outstanding. We are going to reschedule their final session for the first Monday back after half term (20th February). This will mean Group 2 will be postponed by one week and will begin Forest School on Monday 27th February. By the end of the Spring term, each group will have taken part in 5 sessions each. Please can you ensure all children in Group 1 bring in their Forest School clothing and wellies for Monday 20th February.

We hope you all have a great half term.