Year 4
Year 4 - 09.12.2022
Wow – what a busy week we have had! One highlight was completing our design and technology project for this term. Our focus was cooking and we started by looking at the different areas within a balanced diet. We then explored different savoury pastry recipes and tasted a range of ingredients that we could use. I was very impressed with the children for trying some new foods! Then came the most exciting part…making and evaluating our own food! The children worked brilliantly preparing their own individual pastry. They loved eating them in the afternoon and we all completed an evaluation about what went well and what we would change next time.
Another highlight this week has definitely been our school trip! We had a fantastic time learning all about pre-history and exploring the museum. We then each made a clay pot to take home. As you are aware we got stuck on the train on our way back to school. I just wanted to share how incredibly proud I am of all of year 4. We had a long wait on the train and it was a little squashed but they were amazing! They sat patiently, made the best of the situation and are a real credit to our school. As a result Mrs Edwards has rewarded them 5 Dojo points each!
We hope you all enjoy the weekend.