Year 4
Year 4 - 21.10.2022
Happy half term! This week we enjoyed our final cricket session of the term. The children were tasked with working in small teams to create their own cricket based games. It was wonderful to see them working so well with each other and coming up with some really fantastic games that incorporated the skills they have learnt this half term.
In English, we have completed our film unit. Our final outcome was to write an information page for our own flying animal. The class loved the opportunity to turn an ordinary animal into a flying one! They used subheadings and paragraphs to organise information and then published them beautifully. In maths, we have been focusing on addition and subtraction. We have looked at estimating totals and using the inverse operation to check calculations. We have used this knowledge and worked out how to find the answer to missing number problems.
This week we were feeling festive! The children may have told you that we had the Christmas music playing and made our own Christmas cards. Keep an eye out for more information about these after half term!
It was great to see so many of you during Parents Evening this week and share how your children have settled into the new academic year. As always, please do contact me if you have any queries or concerns.
We hope you all enjoy half term. Hopefully the sun will make an appearance!