Year 4
Year 4 - 23.09.2022
Happy Friday everyone! We have had a lovely week. One of the highlights was definitely art. We used powder paints and spent the lesson experimenting with mixing colours, mark making and using the paint brushes in different ways. This experience will come in very handy when we create our own paintings in a couple of weeks.
In English this week, we have used one of the illustrations from our class book and written our own text to go with it. All children had to include some speech and created a new character in order to do this. I was really impressed with the outcome and how hard everyone worked when writing independently.
In maths, we have been continuing with rounding. We have been rounding to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000. The class have used number lines to help them round and applied the rules for rounding really well. Here is the link to an online game that is great for working on rounding at home:
Change to our schedule – library book change will be moving to a Friday.
Maths homework will be moving to Ed-Shed. This means children can access spellings and maths in one place. Both will be set weekly on a Tuesday. We will have a go at accessing both in class on the laptops next week.
I hope you all enjoy the weekend.