Year 4

Year 4 - 27.05.2022
Happy half term everyone!
We have had a great week in year 4. We have been reflecting on our trip to Hooke Court and enjoyed looking back through all the pictures! The children have planned and written recounts of the trip. They worked very hard on their writing and editing and ensured they were including all elements of our class success criteria.
In maths, we have been looking at finding the area of different shapes and coordinates. The children have enjoyed exploring these areas of our maths curriculum and have worked hard on a number of problem-solving tasks.
We all took part in our school celebrations for the Queen’s Jubilee. We decorated crowns, made bunting for the classroom and then enjoyed a biscuit and fruit juice in the hall. We all had lots of fun!
Another highlight this week has been drawing and painting trees using watercolours. The paintings look fabulous, and you can really see the effort that they have put into their artwork.
***End of year production – We will be supporting Year 6 with the production this year. We will be joining in with the singing of all songs. We will also have our own song to perform. The children have been practising this in school, so I thought I would give you the link to keep practising at home! Our song is called, ‘The Song of the Dice’ and can be found by following this link: You can also access a playlist which has all the songs for the performance for the children to listen to and learn. The children will be dressing as dice for the performance. We would need them to wear a black top and black trousers – we will organise the dice dots and attach these to the tops.***
I hope you all enjoy the half term. Hopefully the sun will stay shining!