Year 4
Year 4- 18/03/2022
Happy Friday, year 4!
We’ve had a lovely end of the week with everyone outside in the sunshine during golden time. This week in English, the children have enjoyed planning, writing and editing their own story based around the class text Arthur and the Golden Rope. The children showed great independence by creating their stories completely on their own whilst looking at the success criteria for the lesson. In their adventure stories, the children showed their understanding of fronted adverbials, prepositions and possessive apostrophes.
In maths this week, the children continued looking at addition and subtraction with 4-digit numbers. There was a focus this week on looking at addition and subtraction calculations where there is a need for an exchange. The children were given a range of challenges for both addition and subtraction and were asked to show their workings to support their answers.
In year 4, we have been extremely lucky to have Pia come in and work with us for our art module until half-term. This week in art, the children sketched profiles of Mr Locke concentrating on drawing the different angles of a face. We are all excited to continue this special module.
We have also started our history module where we are looking at Vikings. The children are enjoying exploring who the Vikings were.