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Brockenhurst C of E Primary School
& Pre-School

We Enjoy and Excel in the Presence of God

Year 4 Home Learning

Daily Update - 24/4/20

Hello everyone, 

Please see attached the resources for Friday 24th April. 


Miss Martin 


Time allocated


Times Tables

15 minutes


Mental Maths

15 minutes

  • Please see attached the mental maths questions.

Main Maths Lesson

30 minutes

  •  LO I can divide a 1 digit number by 10.
  • For Maths this week, we will be using the White Rose resources which can be found at this website:

  • We will be working on Week 1: Lesson 5: Diving 1 digit by 10 (Not the summer term resources – yet!)
  • There is a video, worksheet and answers to go with each lesson. The video will teach the children the skills they require to answer the questions. They should answer the questions in their home learning books.
  • I will also attach the questions and answers to the blog as well.


15 minutes

  • Quietly read your own book.


15 minutes

  • Practise your spellings on Spelling Shed.


30 minutes

  • LO I can write a short story.
  • This week’s English unit is based on a short film called ‘Something Fishy’ which can be found at this link:
  • For today’s lesson, you are going to be writing a short story which follows the story line of the film.
  • This task has been set on Google Classroom as an assignment and I would like you to type your story and send it to me. If you are struggling with Google Classroom, please don’t worry, but if you can find a way of sending it to me then that would be great.
  • There is also a document attached with instructions of what to do.
  • You may want to use the pictures from yesterday’s lesson to help you or watch the video again to remind yourself of what happens.


1 hour

  • LO I can research Ancient Egyptian food and meals.
  • Please carry out some research about what food and meals people ate in Ancient Egypt.
  • You might like to take some notes to record your findings – you can choose how you organise your notes.
  • This website has some good information: