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Brockenhurst C of E Primary School
& Pre-School

We Enjoy and Excel in the Presence of God

Year 3

Friday Blog -  Friday 14th June

Good afternoon everyone,

The children were very excited when we started our new science topic this week. We are learning about Rocks and Soils. The children shared the knowledge they already have and asked questions that they want to find out. Lots of children were keen to share rocks, fossils and crystals that they have at home. It would be great if the children could bring anything they want to share to school on Wednesday for our next science lesson. Please do not send anything in that is too precious!

We have continued reading The Paperbag Prince. Before we got to the end, the children had a go at writing their own endings in the style of Colin Thompson. They had some great ideas and wrote beautiful descriptive sentences in the same style as the book.

We have continued with time in maths. The children are growing in confidence, particularly when they wear a watch for the day. Well done to them all.

The children who are not swimming have had forest school again this afternoon and this will continue for the next few weeks. They had great fun this afternoon den building, bird watching and making daisy chains!

Have a lovely weekend,
