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Brockenhurst C of E Primary School
& Pre-School

We Enjoy and Excel in the Presence of God

Year 3

Friday Blog - Friday 10th May

Wow - the sun is finally shining and it is warm. At times over the winter, I never thought we'd reach the point where I needed to remind everyone to apply sun cream before school and remember sun hats!

We enjoyed two panto style performances this morning, performed by students from Brockenhurst College. We were all very impressed and enjoyed lots of booing at the baddies and joining in with the songs!

We've started a fabulous book this week - The Green Ship by Quentin Blake. It's one of my favourites, although the children tell me I say that about every book we read! I wrapped up the book and just read the start of the story and the children had to draw their predictions about what the characters would find. They had some very imaginative ideas, but no-one guessed a green ship!

In science, we looked at how some bones protect our organs. We pretended that a chocolate teacake was our brain and thought about how we could make a skull from paper and straws to protect it if it were dropped from a height. The children thought about how to make our test fair and worked very scientifically in their teams.

The children were very excited to hear about our trip to the Beaulieu Motor Museum. They should all have brought home a letter about it yesterday. 

Well done to all the children who have been reading regularly at home. Mrs Shilton has been very impressed when she changes the books and handed out lots of Dojo points to the children. 

We want to make a large collaborative sculpture in Art. Please could you send in any cardboard boxes you might have.

The children all brought home a geranium plant yesterday. We have nurtured these in class since they were tiny seedlings. It would be great if the children could continue to care for them at home. There's a mini competition to see whose plant will flower first. Please send me a photo once you have success!

Enjoy the sunshine this weekend,
