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Brockenhurst C of E Primary School
& Pre-School

We Enjoy and Excel in the Presence of God

Year 3 Blog - 14.7.23

A great week in year 3, we have loved practising and performing 'Peter Pan' to a great audience. The children continue to work hard. This week we have been focusing on Design Technology, we looked at nets to create our desired 3D shape, fonts, graphics and the overall design of packaging. 

The children used their research to design, make and evaluate their own gift box. The children have had some really thoughtful ideas including who they wanted to give their special gift boxes to and what they wanted to put inside. 

Homework this week

  • Focus on targets written in your child's school report. 
  • Reading your school book (record in reading diary)
  • Spelling (Edshed)
  • Times Tables – children should have come home with their timetable cards before half-term. Please practise these, there are a number of ways you can practise; Hit the button, TTRockstars. The aim is your child can quickly answer times table questions. If they are secure practise the inverse – calculation.

Please send your child into school with a named carrier bag/ bag ready to take their books home next week. 


A small but important reminder, please ensure you email school and class teacher and/ or if pick up arrangements have changed, to ensure children are kept safe, the teacher needs to be able to send the child home with the correct adult.

Apologise for the delay dismissing children today, however your child's safety is paramount. 


Year 3 Team