Year 3 Blog - 20.4.23
It has been lovely to see all the children back this week. It has been a busy but fun week, starting our new units of work.
In English this week we started reading ‘Charlotte’s Web’, practising our fluency, inference skills and marking the text. The children have loved using expression for the different characters and loved discussing the personalities of different characters.
Homework; listen to or read chapter 4 in readiness for next Monday.
Soar app
In Maths, we have focused on telling the time. Many children have found this challenging therefore to support their learning I have set additional homework on EdShed. The best way to learn time, is physically telling the time on a daily basis. The children need to know how to tell and solve problems using an analogue and digital clock.
In jigsaw we have started our ‘Relationship’ unit, we have been talking about males, females and stereotypes. We have been looking at different roles within the home and different occupations.
Reminder à Trip to Butser Farm (Wednesday 26th April)
Please ensure your child comes prepared with;
- A water bottle
- Packed Lunch (nut free) unless ordered a school packed lunch
- A healthy snack
- Wear old comfortable trousers
- Old trainers/ if wet à welly boots (wear 2 pairs of socks)
- Waterproof jacket
Please note. On the original letter it states wear a school jumper or cardigan slight change of plan children can wear their own clothes (nothing too special as we will be taking part in many activities and clothing may get muddy or ruined.)
There is also an opportunity to visit the gift shop to purchase a souvenir (no food). Therefore if you are happy for your child to visit the shop then please supply £3 (ONLY) in a sealed named envelope.
Thank you for your continued support, please do not hesitate to contact Emma or I if you have any questions. Happy Weekend
Year 3 Team