Year 3 Blog - 18.4.23
Welcome back from your Easter holidays! It has been so nice to see and hear all about the children’s news. We hope you had a wonderful break with your families.
A couple of changes to our timetable;
P.E. Days will now be on Wednesdays and Fridays.
Trip to Butser Farm
We are really looking forward to our upcoming trip to Butser Farm, next Wednesday (26th April). If you have not already, please send back the permission form and make payment. Please note. If your child normally has piano or guitar lessons on Wednesday these will take place on Tuesday instead (next week only).
In Maths this week, we have focused on telling the time, to support your child we would like you to find a clock in your home and practice reading the time on it. Look at the hour hand and the minute hand and determine what time it is. Try to do this several times throughout the day so that you can get plenty of practice. For an extra challenge read a digital clock.
Thank you for your continued support,
Year 3 Team