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Brockenhurst C of E Primary School
& Pre-School

We Enjoy and Excel in the Presence of God

Year 3 Blog 23.2.23

Welcome back, it is so nice to see all the children again.

Firstly I’d like to apologise for any inconvenience caused while I was off sick, we are currently rescheduling parent’s evenings and as soon as dates are confirmed we will let you know.   The children have settled back into school well and are really enthusiastic about their learning.

In English, this week we have been exploring our new text driver ‘Wolves’ by Emily Gravett. Using the front cover we predicted what the story might be about, used the book as a stimulus to learning facts about wolves and rabbits. We continue to use this text to help us with our writing and English skills.

In Science, children have been excited to start their next unit of work learning about plants, exploring the requirements of plants for life and growth. Learning different functions of different parts of a plant.

In Maths, we continue to add and subtract 1’s and 10’s, we have been practising our skills of bridging 10. We have also used our knowledge to find out the inverse operation. For example; 345-45=300        300+45=345. Children may want to continue to practise these skills at home. We continue to develop our fluency without our timetables, please encourage children to practise these at home. Your children might like to practise this on timetable rock stars, using their timestable cards sent home from school or practising on their way to school.

The children have loved designing their own walk to school badge this week for the ‘Walk to school’ competition, all the children had some great unique ideas. We cannot wait to find out the winner! Some of the children in year 3, took part in creating a calm, refection prayer area in the courtyard by decorating prayer pebbles with Mel. We will continue to develop this area and cannot wait to use this mindful place.

As always if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us on: and To help us ensure there is consistency please contact both Emma and I.  

Have a great weekend. 

Year 3 Team