Year 3 Blog- 24th November 2022
How are we already over halfway through the term!
The festivities are in full swing, this week we have been creating art work for our Christmas door in readiness for next week. We cannot wait to see the Christmas doors around school.
We started our new text driver for English, which the children loved from our art lessons last week ‘Coming Home’ by Michael Morpugo, we have been predicting, using our inferencing skills to think about the robins emotions throughout the story and discussing the robin's appearance.
In Maths, we have started our fraction unit, the children have worked really hard to identify and verbalise the fractions in a range of representations. We have been talking about the definitions and using key vocabulary including; whole, part, numerator, denominator and tenths. Please encourage your child to complete the fractions homework week this will support them in their learning next week.
During our Geography lessons this week, we have been learning about megacities, what they are and where they are located. The children have thoroughly enjoyed using the maps and working together. We have also been talking about the growth of population in different cities in England.
Library Visit - Tuesdays
P.E. Days -Tuesdays and Fridays
Forest School - Wednesdays
Book Change - Thursdays
We aim to read with each child throughout the week, therefore it is really important children have both their reading book and diary with them daily. It is so important to encourage and foster a love of reading so reading a range of books is really important but for fluency and progression in reading skills children must read their school book.
When reading at home, please make a note in their diary, thank you.
As always if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us on: and To help us ensure there is consistency please contact both Emma and I.
Have a super weekend.
Year 3 Team