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Brockenhurst C of E Primary School
& Pre-School

We Enjoy and Excel in the Presence of God

14th October 2022 - Year 3 Blog

What another super week Year 3! 

The children had great fun joining in with the forest school activities at New Park on Tuesday, they shared and developed their knowledge about the trees, seasons and ecosystem.  We felt extremely proud of the children, they demonstrated great listening skills and behaviour, New Park staff noted "their behaviour and attitude to learning is impeccable".

In English, we used our first-hand experiences to write a recount about our trip to New Park. We were able to take part in a mini beast hunt, leaf identification search, season work and hapa zome printing. Most children enjoyed this the best! During our writing we focused on using our targets to help us improve and develop our writing. We also proofread and edited our work to make it even better. 

In Maths, we used our tally chart data from New Park, to create our own bar charts to show our findings of the mini beats we had found. We have also been recapping on our number bonds knowledge to help us work out 'adding 1s across 10s', ensuring we have a secure knowledge of place value within addition. We have been solving problems and proving how we know the answer using number facts.  We will continue to practise our reasoning skills, by proving how we know. 

In History, we have been discussing how people would survive in the 'Stone Age', what it would have been like in the winter and summer months. We drew our own representations of this.  In R.E. we continue to look at the creation story and the promises Christians make and how this relates now. We  have also already got into the festive mood in year 3 creating our own Christmas cards in readiness for the printers, these will be coming home soon so keep your eyes peeled!


* Can any outstanding library books please be returned, we encourage the children to visit the library once a week and borrow a book of their choice to foster and encourage a love of reading. 

* If you haven't already please send a photo of where your child likes to read or an unusual place. Thank you for the photos we have already received these look great in our book area and the children love to share.

*Homework is set on Edshed/TT rockstars every Thursday. This will include spelling, maths and phonics games. If you have any problems accessing this please let us know. 

* Forest School is on a Wednesday afternoon, this will be on a rotation basis. To ensure quality sessions, half the class will take part one half-term and then  will swap over with the other half. If for any reason your child misses a Forest School session for example; due to the weather or staff sickness. Then sessions will be made up later in the year. 

*Book change is on a Thursday, please ensure your child reads at home and note it in their reading diary, so we know to change their book. Children will be given one book at their reading level, in which they are expected to reread to build on fluency, comprehension and inferencing skills. If your children would like an extra challenge please encourage them to write a book review about the book they are reading, to share with the class. Attached Blog 7th October. 

As always if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us on: and  To help us ensure there is consistency please contact both Emma and I.  

We look forward to seeing you next week, have a great weekend.

Year 3 Team