Year 3 Blog - Friday 23rd September 22
Wow, What a week! Year 3 continue to amaze me!
In literacy, we have been learning about adverbials and in particular fronted adverbials. We have been detectives spotting them in words and having a go at our own. We have also been working hard to describe a Stone Age cave, using thesauruses to support exciting word choice.
In Maths, we have been continuing our learning of place value finding 1, 10 and 100 more or less than a given number. We practised exchanging numbers to allow us to take away.
In History and Art, we have been learning about the significance of cave art and created our own using chalk and oil pastels. The children loved this creative activity, check them out on our Instagram page.
In R.E. we continue to explore and learn about the creation story and the impact it has on Christians today.
Homework - see separate blog (Entitled: Homework)
Library Visits: Mondays
Forest School: Wednesdays (named boots and waterproofs, including waterproof trousers)
Book Change: will now be on a Thursday
PE: Tuesdays and Fridays (if your child attends a sporting event or club after school please ensure their P.E Kit comes back to school the following day)
As always if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us on; or
Enjoy your weekend and I look forward to seeing you on Tuesday.
Year 3 Team