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Brockenhurst C of E Primary School
& Pre-School

We Enjoy and Excel in the Presence of God

Year 3 Blog 20.11.20

This week

A busy week in English, we have learnt: what an imperative verb is and how to use it! When we should use exclamation marks, we have looked at some of the problems with plastic pollution in our reading and finally, we have planned letters to write to Julian Lewis to ask him to petition Boris Johnson to ban single use plastics. 

In Mathematics, we have taken small steps into understanding how fractions are created. We firstly looked at Europe as our whole and countries within Europe as our parts of our whole. We have moved onto understanding how to write fractions and what a unit fraction is. 

In geography, we looked at wind turbines and solar farms and asked why they are becoming more popular. 

In PE we rolled around on mats a lot. This was part of our movements in gymnastics topic. Outdoor PE, we looked at sidestepping and pivoting, which we then used to play a game of piggy-in-the-middle. 


The photo above is from last. 

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