Year 3
Spring 1 Week 3
The children did brilliantly at swimming today. I hope I've exhausted them all with a full hour swimming. I do have an item of lost clothing if anyone came home not quite wearing all they should be!
Our Around the World topic has continued this week as we have looked closely at Atlases. We used them to help us plot Phileas Fogg's journey around the world. We have then looked at the features of an atlas and looked at different types to compare similarities and differences. This links nicely to our homework. I have attached this just in case it doesn't make it home. If anyone completes there home learning using a computer, but doesn't have printing facilities at home, please email it to me or the school office and I can print it. This home learning project doesn't need to be completed until Wednesday 13th February.
Over the next couple of weeks we are hoping to undertake a number of art projects but we need your help with a few resources. We hope to make some large sculptures so need some empty boxes, anything from an empty tissue box to a shoe box. Please bring in as many as you can. Also each child will need a clean, empty jam jar with lid. Finally, we need an empty plastic bottle (about the size of an individual bottle of coke) for each child. If you can help with this it would be wonderful - send them into school and I will store it all until we use it. Many thanks.
Have an enjoyable weekend,