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Brockenhurst C of E Primary School
& Pre-School

We Enjoy and Excel in the Presence of God

Year 3

Welcome to Year 3 

Knowle Park Primary School - Year 3

Our teacher is Mrs Morris and our teaching assistant is Mrs Shilton.

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  • Year 3 Blog - 9.6.23

    Published 09/06/23, by Rachel Platt

    Welcome back! It is so nice to see all the children and hear about their wonderful adventures this week. We hope you all had a lovely break and enjoyed the sunshine.

    We kicked off this half term with our new text driver in English ‘The Night Box’ the children have really enjoyed this text so far. We have been discussing different figurative text including personification, alliteration, similes, metaphors and onomatopoeia. The children had great fun exploring these techniques when creating a setting description. I was super impressed with their exciting vocabulary and ideas.

    In Maths, we have been collecting, presenting and interpreting data using tally charts, pictograms and bar graphs. We have been talking about the importance of drawing this to scale, making sure axis are labelled and ensuring the intervals are accurately measured. The children were so enthusiastic about their learning, many chose to continue their learning at break time!

    In Jigsaw this week, we started our relationship piece, looking at life cycles and talking about what we already know. The children were great about talking about the changes animals and mini beast. We also discussed how the seasons change and how this makes us feel.

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  • Year 3 Blog- 26.5.23

    Published 26/05/23, by Rachel Platt

    The children have worked really hard  this week and we have been so impressed by their creative ideas. 

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  • 23.5.23 - Junk modelling

    Published 23/05/23, by Rachel Platt

    We hope you had a lovely weekend. 

    Thank you for all the cardboard boxes, tubes and junk this will be very useful in art this week.

    We now have plenty and do not need any more. 

    Thank you 

    Year 3 Team 

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  • Year 3 Blog - 19.5.23

    Published 19/05/23, by Rachel Platt

    A fun week in year 3, the children continue to work hard.

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  • Year 3 Blog - 11.5.23

    Published 11/05/23, by Rachel Platt

    A super week in year 3, with lots of enthusiasm and energy in  our learning.

    In English, we started our new text (film) driver ‘Ruckus’, we have enjoyed unpicking the meaning, making predictions and sharing likes, dislikes and patterns we noticed. The children have been very excited about finding out more.

    In Guided Reading, we have continued to explore the text; ‘The Iron Man’, we have been building fluency in our reading, practising in partners and reading aloud in class. We have stressed the importance of reading at home to grow in confidence. 

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  • Year 3 Blog - 5.5.23

    Published 05/05/23, by Rachel Platt

    This week, Year 3 had a brilliant time creating fabulous crowns and learning about the King’s Coronation. The children had some great creative and unique ideas. Today we enjoyed a special worship, presented by year 1. We also enjoyed cake and sang some royal songs! The children had a fun time marking the occasion.

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  • Year 3 Blog - 27.4.23

    Published 27/04/23, by Rachel Platt

    Year 3 had a wonderful time at Butser Ancient Farm this week. They spent time exploring the Iron Age village and took part in some exciting activities to bring their learning to life including; spinning wool, creating a clay pot, chalk carving and creating their own jewellery. The staff at Butser Farm were so impressed with the children’s behaviour and knowledge on the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. 

    The children have created fantastic diary entries of their day, demonstrating their knowledge about the Iron Age. 

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  • Trip to Butser Farm 26.4.23

    Published 25/04/23, by Rachel Platt

     Trip to Butser Farm  tomorrow 

    Please ensure your child comes prepared with; 

    • A water bottle
    • Packed Lunch  (nut free) unless ordered a school packed lunch
    • A healthy snack
    • Wear old comfortable, practical trousers 
    • Old trainers/ if wet a welly boots (wear 2 pairs of socks)
    • Waterproof jacket
    • We have suggested the children layer up. 

    We will be travelling by mini bus, the journey will be approximately 1 hour. If your child takes medication before travelling please ensure you have administered this before coming to school, we aim to leave school at 9am.

    If your child needs to take medication before travelling please ensure this is packed and email me so I am aware  and can  administer this before returning to school and I can keep this medicine in a safe place.   

    Please note.

    On the original letter it states wear a school jumper or cardigan slight change of plan children can wear their own clothes (nothing too special as we will be taking part in many activities and clothing may get muddy or ruined.)

    There is also an opportunity to visit the gift shop to purchase a souvenir (no food). Therefore if you are happy for your child to visit the shop then please supply £3 (ONLY) in a sealed named envelope. 

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  • Year 3 Blog - 20.4.23

    Published 20/04/23, by Rachel Platt

    It has been lovely to see all the children back this week. It has been a busy but fun week, starting our new units of work.

    In English this week we started reading ‘Charlotte’s Web’, practising our fluency, inference skills and marking the text. The children have loved using expression for the different characters and loved discussing the personalities of different characters.

    Homework; listen to or read chapter 4 in readiness for next Monday.   

    Soar app

    In Maths, we have focused on telling the time. Many children have found this challenging therefore to support their learning I have set additional homework on EdShed. The best way to learn time, is physically telling the time on a daily basis. The children need to know how to tell and solve problems using an analogue and digital clock.  

    In jigsaw we have started our ‘Relationship’ unit, we have been talking about males, females and stereotypes. We have been looking at different roles within the home and different occupations.

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  • Year 3 Blog - 18.4.23

    Published 18/04/23, by Rachel Platt

    Welcome back from your Easter holidays! It has been so nice to see and hear all about the children’s news. We hope you had a wonderful break with your families.  

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  • Year 3 Blog - 24.3.23

    Published 24/03/23, by Rachel Platt

    Our final swimming was today, the children have done incredibly well showing great perseverance and resilience.  I’d like to personally thank the parents who have volunteered their time to help. We could not have done it without you, we really appreciate your support. Thank you.

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  • Year 3 Blog 16.3.23

    Published 16/03/23, by Rachel Platt

    A great week in year 3, children continue to work hard and try their best!

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