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Brockenhurst C of E Primary School
& Pre-School

We Enjoy and Excel in the Presence of God

Year 3

Welcome to Year 3 

Knowle Park Primary School - Year 3

Our teacher is Mrs Morris and our teaching assistant is Mrs Shilton.

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  • Year 3

    Published 06/10/23, by Clare Morris

    Friday Blog - Friday 6th October

    Good afternoon everyone,

    We started our week with a Rippa Rugby session on Monday morning. The children loved it and tackled the session with lots of enthusiasm. Rippa Rugby have an after-school club on Mondays. If your child is keen they can have a free taster session on Monday (8th Oct).

    Many thanks for your donations for the food bank. We all carried our tins down to the church on Wednesday for our Harvest service. The children listened carefully to Simon's harvest message and there was some great singing too.

    The children should all have come home with a letter about our upcoming trip to Southampton City Art Gallery. They were very excited to hear we were planning a day out. Many thanks to all of you who returned slips so promptly. You have until Monday 16th to return your slip to school.

    Enjoy the sunshine this weekend,


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  • Year 3

    Published 29/09/23, by Clare Morris

    Friday Blog - Friday 29th October

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  • Year 3

    Published 22/09/23, by Clare Morris

    Friday Blog - Friday 22nd September

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  • Year 3

    Published 20/09/23, by Clare Morris

    Year 3 Homework

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  • Year 3

    Published 15/09/23, by Clare Morris

    Friday Blog - Friday 15th September

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  • Year 3

    Published 08/09/23, by Clare Morris

    Friday Blog - Friday 8th September

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  • Last Friday Blog 21.7.23

    Published 21/07/23, by Rachel Platt

    A huge well done to year 3, what a fantastic year we have had.

    A massive thank you for all your support as parents/guardians and for your generosity for the gifts, cards and kind messages. It has been an absolute pleasure getting to know and teaching all of your wonderful children.  

    We've had a great last week together and the children really enjoyed their yummy New Forest Ice cream treat on the field today.

    We wish you all a safe, fun but restful summer break and we look forward to seeing the children in September to hear all about their adventure. 

    Happy Holidays 

    Year 3 Team 

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  • Year 3 Blog - 14.7.23

    Published 14/07/23, by Rachel Platt

    A great week in year 3, we have loved practising and performing 'Peter Pan' to a great audience. The children continue to work hard. This week we have been focusing on Design Technology, we looked at nets to create our desired 3D shape, fonts, graphics and the overall design of packaging. 

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  • Year 3 - 7.7.23

    Published 07/07/23, by Rachel Platt

    Another busy week in year 3. The children continue to work hard and amaze us. 

    This week we have been busy learning how to tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes and minute using an analogue clock. We continue to practise this throughout our daily routine. Please support your child's learning by practising these skills at home and when out and about! 

    In English, we have been looking at rhyming poems and finding rhyming couplets. The children have enjoyed listening to a range of different poems. 

    In guided reading, we have been using our inference skills to discuss 'April' one of the main characters from 'The Last Bear'. 

    The children have absolutely loved, designing and making their own sculptured bees out of clay, we have painted them to make them look realistic! Check them on Instagram! 

    A quick reminder- Sports Day is on Monday (10.7.23)  children should have brought their P.E. kits home with them today, please ensure they come to school in their P.E kit on Monday. 

    Have a lovely weekend 

    Year 3 Team 

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  • Year 3 Blog - 30.6.23

    Published 30/06/23, by Rachel Platt

    Another fabulous but busy week in year 3. The children continue to work hard demonstrating great perseverance and resilience in their learning. 

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  • Year 3 Blog - 23.6.23

    Published 23/06/23, by Rachel Platt

    Wow another hot and sunny week!

    Firstly a massive well done to all the children showing great stamina and energy during our whole school walk on Thursday. It was an incredibly hot day, but  all the children took everything in their stride and were brilliant. We worked out we walked 5 miles, with lots of drink and shade stops. A massive thank you to our parent helper, we really appreciate your support. 

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  • Year 3 Blog- 16.6.23

    Published 16/06/23, by Rachel Platt

    A busy but exciting week in year 3. We kicked off the week with an exciting day with Winchester Science Centre. A massive thank you to the PTA for funding this fabulous day and to Miss Lever for organising (See photos attached for more about the day’s activities.)

    In English, we revisited the Magic Box Poem, by Kit Wright for inspiration to write our own poems about the night box. The children had some wonderful ideas, using their senses to guide them. We look forward to completing these next week.

    In Maths, we have been revisiting addition and subtraction unit. Thinking about the vocabulary and strategies we use including; unstructured number lines, part/part/whole and bar models.

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