Year 2
Year 2 - 09.11.2018
We have had a wonderful week in year 2. In English we have started our new topic – The Titanic. We have been exploring a range of non-fiction texts and gathering facts as well as sequencing the events of the Titanic. The children are thoroughly enjoying this topic and I am looking forward to seeing where it takes us over the next few weeks.
In maths we have been comparing and ordering numbers. We have revisited using <, > and = to compare numbers and thought about how we could order them. For example smallest to greatest or the other way around. We are identifying the greater number by looking at how many tens and ones there are and using equipment or drawings to help us.
Over the past week or so we have been thinking about remembrance and the meaning behind the poppy. There has been some fabulous conversation around this topic – I am very impressed with year 2. This week we joined forces with YR and Y1 and each child pained a poppy on a pebble. We then went on a local walk on Thursday morning. We took all of the pebbles with us and have left them in different areas of the village. You may spot some in Brockenhurst War Memorial garden, outside the school by the poppies on the fence, in St Saviours Church and on the common. We also kept some for our worship area in the hall. It was a lovely morning out – thank you to the helpers who came with us, we couldn't do it without you! I have attached some pictures of the pebbles to this post.
Next week: Children in need on Friday 16th November – wear something spotty (£1).
I hope you all have a good weekend.
Miss Blick